How Prosperity Pastors are depopulating the Church of God

Abel Damina may be have been forever in the ministry, but his recent campaign against prosperity preaching and miracles/faith healing gimmicks is barely one year. 

Before his coming, many Christians had already started leaving the Church. Many Christians!

I left the church as far back as 2019. Came back 2 years later, first Sunday of the year 2021, after I had spoken to myself over the Christmas holiday, that for family cohesion, it was necessary to join wife and daughter back in Church. 

Yet, that same first Sunday of 2021, I left Church, and vowed never to return. It was that leave home in high spirit and expectant of God's touch, only to be enraged at the nonsense utterances emanating from the pulpit.

Pastor Ubert Angel said it is because of ignorance that you are not angry. 

Truly, you can never see the way the Nigerian Church was going, and be a bit knowledgeable, and have a mind of your own, and yet not be angry. It is not possible!

While some people may think that Damina is depopulating the Church, and consequently tag him antichrist, the truth is that Damina is restoring hope to Church dropouts. Suddenly, there seems to be hope in the horizon. Suddenly, its seems like revival is already upon us, and those who seek a return to the old faith, the faith we hold dear are delirious. 

If there are antichrists, they are definitely the highly revered and celebrity pastors who use the pulpit to make a mockery of the Christian faith, and make merchandise of the Gospel of Christ.

Personally, I see Abel Damina as someone who has foresight, and decided to take advantage of a situation he saw as imminent. 

Long before Damina's "Daminalogy", many Nigerian Christians had been lambasting Prosperity preaching and the many gimmicks called miracle. 

For instance, it's either many didn't know about Dr Sunday Adeleja or have forgotten him. This is a Ukraine based pastor, who was the first to muster the courage to call out "Fathers of faith". As far back as 2016, Pastor Sunday Adeleja had questioned many of the preachings and activities of Pastor Adeboye, Bishop Oyedepo, TB Joshua, Ayo Oristsejafor, Pastor Chris, and  lamented about the spirit of Mammon, hypnosis, manipulations, and fakery that had overtaken their ministries, and were fast taking over the Nigerian Church.

That was a time when no sane man dared touch "their anointed". He dared it. 

For people like me, before Damina started, we had used our platforms to decry the sort of Christianity the Nigerian Church has descended into.

All Damina is doing is amply our voices. And God knows why. Damina has the right platform,  Damina has sounder knowledge of the scriptures, Damina is bolder, and while we and the likes of Sunday Adelaja could easily be dismissed, Damina is totally different; no one can dismiss him. 

Today, both on social media and in physical churches, the trending topic is Damina. Those who support him and those who don't. And for those who support or not support him, his impact is being felt, and things are never the same again, and can never be the same. 

With Damina, the era of manipulations using the Bible as a tool is fast ending.

Meanwhile, no orthodox church is bothered, same with Pentecostal pastors who have held tenaciously to the truth. The only ones fazed are the ones making merchandise of the faith.

It is a revival, and the gainers would be those who welcome the revival and change their message, and go back to the true Christian faith we know. 

It's just a matter of time.
