Muslims are Crying for losing many people to Christianity

Public response to this Muslim who is always attacking me on my page: Dear brother, blame your Allah, Mohammed, Quran and Islmic califaith who were not able to give solid morals lesson to train children in islam. 

The results of poor moral lesson in bringing up children in islam has cost many danger to the society, raise streets boys and Almjiri begging in the streets in the name of Almjiri and later many are becoming dangerous terro***rist, is the results of Almjiri that we have been suffering with Boko Haram, they are product of Quran and Mohammed. 

You said is lack of parenting that made me to become a Christians? Well, where will my parents get the parenting method if is not from the quran and Mohammed? 

You can see what Jesus did within short period of time, Jesus produced a positive and a world Evangelist but since birth in islam, can't you see how Mohammed and Quan had useless my life and Jesus change to greatness. 

The quran and Mohammed inspired my Muslims parents to train me through Almjiri, and that is why Jesus rescued me and Jesus wash me, cleaned me by making me an instrument to his kingdom. 

BECOMING A MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL IN CHRISTIANITY HAS TO BE DONE WITH DIVINE CALL OF GOD ALMIGHTY AND SOME TRAINING TO QUALIFIED YOU AND FIT IN TO THE CALL: I did not not jump into preaching the Gospel of Jesu after leaving islam but after the call of God almighty upon my life I went through so many training before becoming a pastor. 

1: After I left islam, I personally confessed Jesus as my Lord and savior and I was Pabtized in other to uptain the pillars of Christianity. 

2: I was also follow up with the word of God for almost 2 years before confirming me as genuine follower of Jesus Christ.

3: I was taken to the discipleship school, which took me 3 years in Gboko, Benue state learning of Jesus Christ. 

4: I also attend missions schools training, which took me 1year and 5 months through UMA missions. 

5: I have traveled to Canada for Progressive missions training on orality context with UMA missions in Lagos. 

6: I traveled to Egypt for another orality missions training through the sponsorship of Evangelist Dr. Khalid who base in Cairo who own a missions school trained in Arabic contest. 

Then I told my mentor Mummy Mrs. Hansatu Ibrahim who adapted me and was Mothering me, in fact she make me wrote WAEC to enable me apply for university which I did the WAEC at progressive high school in Narayi Kaduna state hut after the WAEC the call of God came with full force on me which I told Mummy Mrs. Hansatu Ibrahim my mentor that I will like to go Bible School because God is calling me. 

She informed the church pastor, Rev. Zakariah Abundu who is the present District superintendent of Kaduna South in AGC and I was invited for more clarification before guiding me through for one year with him and finally I was offer an interview and exams to the bible School. 

Then in 2018 I went to bible School in Enugu state, at Crown theological Seminary. Is an Assemblies of God church bible School in there head quarter in Enugu state which took me 3 years in diploma and etc... 

I was graduated and Ordained as a pastor in 2020 through the general Superintendent of Assemblies of God church Nigerian in person of Rev. Prof. Paul Emeka. 

Now get the message, we have fivefold ministry in Christianity, we can be called pastors as a general name to all ministers of the Gospel but everyone has his area of focus on the call. 

The five ministry gifts:

1: Apostle. 

2: Prophet.

3: Evangelist.

4: Pastor.

5: Teacher. 

Every pastor you see today in Christianity are not operating in the same call but we are called differently which we all work for the increase of the kingdom of Christ and our messages is one and centered in Christ as ambassadors of Christ. 

I am a trained pastor but Evangelist by called which I personally don't pastor a church, look at all the missions  training i went through before becoming a pastor, that is to say that I am Evangelist by called, my mentors confirmed this to me, that I am not called to pastor a church but a missionary (Evangelist) which you can see my ministry is more focus on missions and Evangelism alone. 

Get the message, I haven't pastor a church all through my life in Christianity as a Gospel minister but I was faithful to sticked to the area where God is calling me and I have proved my called which you can testify as if you're following my page, reconciling men to God, bringing men to the throne of grace in Christ, preaching to Muslims and winning there souls to Christ. 

To Muslims, stop accusing ex muslims unnecessary with findings, personally I am 17 years in Christianity and through those years was years of leaning about Jesus, it is of recent that I involved into social media with my ministry. 

In conclusion: I am an ordained pastor by train but an Evangelist by Called which I am also an apologist who defend the faith and also preach the Gospel as an evangelist. 

Evangelist Ibrahim Dikko 

WhatsApp 0915 921 1871
