Soul Winning is a Compulsory Commission to Every Christian by Ibrahim Dikko

 The one area that every genuine Christian can’t do without is soul-winning. 

Everybody is a soul winner as far you're a child of God in Christ and any unbeliever of Jesus is a mission field therefore Christians arise with soul winning and effective evangelism and missions to help those who don't know Jesus. 

Soul winning is the output of Evangelism. If you truly love Jesus and you know how much he has done for you, you will be proud of him anywhere you go.

We should prove that we are chosen to bear fruits by becoming soul winners and Rather than giving up their careers for soul winning, I advised that they could keep their career pursuits and still be soul winners. 

Your neighbours who are unbelievers should not be taken as condemned sinners, but the love of God should be shown to them. How can you claim you love your neighbours and see them march to hell?

👉You are now the light of the world. You are therefore expected to destroy darkness and sorrow. 

👉Each soul you win is priceless and worth everything money cannot buy. 

👉Just one soul gives you a priceless central reward.

👉The greatest threats to effective evangelization of the world today are fear and laziness. 

👉If you cannot conquer these two enemies, you are going nowhere.

soul winner is someone with great value in heaven. The greatest treasure you can lay in Heavenly planet is the souls of men and women. Every soul won to the lord represents a star on your crown when you finally get home. 

Some peoples crown would be so ordinary because they did not win a soul, while others would have their crowns so dazzling to the eyes because of the multitude of souls won. 

👉People who constantly win souls do not backslide.

👉Those who advertise Jesus Christ don’t get into bondage.

👉The call for soul wining is meant to enrich the soul winner.

👉For God to answer your prayers, you must be a soul winner.

👉If you want your prayers answered consistently make Evangelism a way of life.

Evangelist Ibrahim Dikko 

WhatsApp +234 0915 921 1871
