Islam is a collection of stolen goods... Even Allah is stolen goods
1) Muhammad stole the tribal god Allah from the Quraysh religion
2) The Quran was written by stealing stories from the Torah and the Bible
3) The call to prayer is a Jewish way of worship
4) The 5-time prayer was copied from the Zoroastrian religion
5) Muhammad's Miraj journey (the story of his going to heaven) is a copy of the sky journey made by their holy man Artha Viraf in the Zoroastrian religious texts
6) The hat worn by Muslim men is Jewish
7) The veil was the Jewish costume
8) Arabs wore only ankle-length clothes to prevent the bottom of their clothes from getting torn when they covered their feet in the sand.. Islam stole that too
9) Sand comes flying in the sand in the sand The Arabs shaved their mustaches to prevent them from getting stuck in their mustaches and then falling into their mouths.. It was cut.
10) The lifestyle of the Arabs in the desert, who grew their beards and hair at the back to prevent them from falling through the neck of their clothes, was also cut by the Muslims living in the stormy forest.
11) It is a Jewish custom to touch the other hand with one hand while drinking water.. Cut.
12) Sunnah wedding is the way of the Jews.. Changed and changed.
13) The moon was split in a poem by the poet Umar Qaisr, who lived 23 years before Muhammad... That too was dug up and put into religion by Muhammad.
14) The female god of Sumerian culture, 'Lamasu', who was half human and half animal, was cut and made into Buraq.
15) Even the word Quran was changed and changed... It was changed to Qur'an, which means a book of short prayers. That is a Syrian word...
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